Qui Sommes-Nous ?

Notre Compagnie

Qui Sommes-Nous ?

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What we can do?

The AMD Corporate (Advising, Managing and Developing Corporate) group is an international structure operating in the following areas:

  • Temporary work
  • Recruitment
  • Training
  • Human resources management consulting
  • Outsourcing

Having capitalized on more than a decade of experience in Senegal, our network of professionals and partners is also present in Canada, the United States and France.

Our Goals

« Have your talent of tomorrow ! » 

We already know that tomorrow is being prepared today.

The changes that are taking place in the human resources profession are permanent and rapid. As a result, AMD Corporate has set itself the goal of anticipating the future by providing its customers with the human capital to meet the challenges of the future.

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Our Values

AMD Corporate aims to be a firm that completely distinguishes itself from its competitors. To achieve this, the AMD Corporate Group has set itself a set of values through which all its employees identify. These various fundamental values for the sustainability of our group are articulated around:

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Tel: +221 77 426 42 36 Adresse: Ngor Almadies Villa N°210 Email: rh@amdcorporate.net
Tel: +221 77 426 42 36
Adresse: Ngor Almadies Villa N°210
Email: rh@amdcorporate.net